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March 4, 2020


Nicholas Novaco

My guess on your translated text, factoring in word meanings changing over time, something maybe weird going on with the sentence structure and the probably that many religious beliefs have come and gone of which modernity will never know; I'd conjecture that it could be read as: A proper noun being addressed and lauded for creation, followed by a declaration of how mighty said creator is in that they move something worthy of example with force, that something being perhaps Maria, which may be representative of the earth in name. If "alkaline" is indeed to be assumed, it could be a very old version of "salt of the earth" when combined with the second mention of Maria. The "v" may be the beginning of a plea against some woe. The "gas" may have a tether to the concept of æther and the speaker is clearly asking to be delivered to it. I'd say it's a prayer of some sort. If your translation is indeed correct or near-correct. This was a solid read though. Thanks.


One of the theories being advanced has the text as being in some sort of short-hand Latin for a treatise on therapeutic bathing, even as you suggest,a draft for something to be published in plain text(or similar)at a later date. A high degree of likeness in illustrations with known texts on the subject gave the biggest clue but the assertion is that it's readily translatable and I got the impression that more than a few Latinists were skeptical of this notion. Any thoughts?


Dit manuscript is onlangs vertaald en werd geschreven in een oud Turks dialect.


The manuscript was translated in 2018. It is written phonectic in an old Turkish language.


reading Dr. Gregor Damschen ( 2016):

+ árchiton óla dabás / + multás / + #e + cárcere + pórtas + // M(ater)
sis + maris + moris + vis + ahia + ma+ria +

"You, vessel, gave (us) the ruler and many doors out of the dungeon. Be the mother of mankind, the power for morality, holy Mary.

Matt Brubach

Page F116V of MS408 is most probably the Colophon, written by the medieval scribe that created the manuscript. Scribes would always sign their work and include some type of message or instructions.

There is a possibility that MS408 is written in abbreviated Latin. As you may already know, medieval scribes abbreviated written Latin to an extent far exceeding anything we see today. Symbols would be used for prefixes, suffixes, and to signify abbreviations or omissions.

Take the Latin word Communitas for example: The prefix "Com" would be represented by a symbol. I'll make it the "&" symbol for this example. The suffix "tas" would be represented by the "$" symbol. So the word Communitas might be written as "&muni$". It may also have been written "&/$" where / represents the omission of the part of a word Muni. The scribe is trusting the reader to correctly choose what was omitted, based upon the content of the previous words.

The extent that this was used in medieval Latin is mind-boggling. I don't know if you've read Capelli's "The Elements of Abbreviation in Medieval Latin Paleography", but it is very helpful. Coupled with Capelli's "Lexicon Abbreviaturarum", which list many of the abbreviations and corresponding symbols that were used, it may help you in your attempt to find meaning of the manuscript through Latin.

Best of Luck,
Matt Brubach

Milton Hill

I saw the YouTube post that the voynich manuscripts were of Turkish origin or at least written in an old Turkish dialect. I find many languages quite similar.

Hermes Trismegistus

The text is a treatise on antediluvian (pre-flood) plant life and medicine. It is also a grimoire that is known as The Book of Noah or The Book of Medicine and contains within it information on Edenic botanical subjects and information on killing Grigori and their Nephilim offspring. It was so encoded to circumvent the Vatican false church of Azazel's searching and destruction of all copies in order to prevent mankind from the knowledge required to free them from the bonds of servitude under the false God-King Azazel... Be very weary of revealing your discoveries my friend... you play a dangerous game.


To those who are claiming it that the manuscript has been definitively decoded, using any methods, it is prudent to remember that similar claims have been made in the past. Frankly, the recent turkish claim hasn't shown a systematic method of decoding pages, and the process the claimant has explained they used in decoding it was highly subjective and more than slightly biased at best.

Perhaps the language is truly Turkish in origin regardless of the issues with the method, but more evidence than what has been established needs to be presented.

In my experience with following the progress of deciphering the manuscript, if someone claims to have solved it- invariably they haven't. This work isn't a sprint like some charlatans or ill-informed amateurs might think and hope- it's very much a marathon and small subtleties need to be teased out of it and built upon rather than rushing through a page with a flawed system.

As for the other claim of the book of noah and whatnot- frankly provide imperical evidence that outweighs the carbon dating or stop spouting out nonsense. This book isn't about pre-flood plants- a simple bit of logical deduction could prove that. The carbon dating puts it at the 15th century AD. There would be no point in having pre-flood plants in a post-flood manuscript, and that's before using logical deduction on any other beliefs that may be fueled by poor logical analysis.


The claim of the manuscript being Turkish seems highly improbable to me. It is clearly a European document, and Turkish had long since been written exclusively in the Arabic alphabet. These facts lead to the obvious question: is it more likely that a Turkish-speaking proto-scientist living in Europe, writing in an unknown script, is responsible for this book? Or that it was, as suggested above, written in abbreviated Latin (for example)?



Nick Pelling

Hey Justin, why not simply concede that there are different inks and hands in play on f116v, and so, without a better category of scan to work from, our chances of reconstructing the alpha state of the page are low to zero? Just saying, Nick Pelling


What a fascinating article I was impressed


Good day!
Your site has information about the Voynich manuscript.
I am deciphering the Voynich manuscript and received a positive result.
       There is a key to cipher the Voynich manuscript.  
   The key to the cipher manuscript placed in the manuscript. It is placed throughout the text. Part of the key hints is placed on the sheet 14. With her help was able to translate a few dozen words that are completely relevant to the theme sections.
The Voynich manuscript is not written with letters. It is written in signs. Characters replace the letters of the alphabet one of the ancient language. Moreover, in the text there are 2 levels of encryption. I figured out the key by which the first section could read the following words: hemp, wearing hemp; food, food (sheet 20 at the numbering on the Internet); to clean (gut), knowledge, perhaps the desire, to drink, sweet beverage (nectar), maturation (maturity), to consider, to believe (sheet 107); to drink; six; flourishing; increasing; intense; peas; sweet drink, nectar, etc. Is just the short words, 2-3 sign. To translate words with more than 2-3 characters requires knowledge of this ancient language. The fact that some symbols represent two letters. In the end, the word consisting of three characters can fit up to six letters. Three letters are superfluous. In the end, you need six characters to define the semantic word of three letters. Of course, without knowledge of this language make it very difficult even with a       We can say that the Voynich manuscript is an encyclopedia of knowledge that humanity needs today. I managed to partially solve the mystery of mount Kailas ( for example, its height is 6825 meters). The manuscript indicates the place where the Grail Is hidden, as well as the Font and Cradle of Jesus.
For more information, see my article https://scieuro.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/february-2020.pdf
I am ready to share information. I have been around for many years and have health problems. It is difficult to engage in further translation.
With respect, Nikolai. 

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