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February 8, 2020



I feel like you had a great argument to make here and then by reducing it to “the cat is on the mat” it all boiled down to “but not every culture has independently encountered every noun” which I don’t know is that valuable? This comes up fairly commonly even between the major languages of today (guanxi is an easy example of a concept, kangaroo an easy example of an animal). Perhaps I’ve just missed out on the experience of formal philosophy classes and thus don’t have an axe to grind against “the cat is in the mat”.

If you want to understand if the word “cat” matters in a philosophical sense then go talk to some indigenous Australian tribes who encountered invasive species independently of European contact.

I’m surprised you didn’t explore the possibilities of the word “on” as my experience in learning languages (much more limited than yours) is that it is in these types of words where the real ambiguity often occurs.

Kieron George

Isn't this just Wittgenstein's language game? He manage to figure this out speaking only German & English.

"The cat is on the mat" can mean the suspect has arrived at our hideout, if the language you're speaking is spy-thriller cliche English which is even further from regular English than Куоска муоста тэлгэҕигэр баар.

You can talk about military strategy in the 14th century Lithuanian as long as you're willing to set up the language game.

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