G. W. Leibniz, Letter to Antoine Arnauld
You say the best possible state of affairs
Is the one where God let me keep all of my hairs.
But me with one single hair less or hair more
Is no more still me than an ichthyosaur.
G. W. Leibniz, Monadology
For Dorothy Parker
Immanuel Kant (pronounced in the British manner, /kænt/), Critique of Practical Reason
There once was a docent named Kant
Who dripped remoulade on his pant.
Herr Lampe, his man,
Said: “Don’t wipe that, I can.”
And Kant said: “You can, but you shan’t.”
William of Ockham, Summa Logicae
Aristotle, On the Generation of Animals
For Ogden Nash
To beget with a cloacal kiss
Is the apex of avian bliss.
Crows do it.
Owls do it.
Even sopping waterfowls do it.
And unlike the fish who discharges his milt from afar on the external eggs of his mate in an ovuliparious fit, well…
Our bird is sure not to miss.
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Here's your new assignment. Read the blather and drool. you spewed in November/December 2016 and show us how the Russian bullshit played out.
I'm sure your off the shelf sophistry is up to it.
Posted by: Paul Grange | November 3, 2019 at 12:58 PM
Great stuff, especially the dark turn with Wittgenstein
Posted by: Geoff Pynn | November 5, 2019 at 02:24 PM