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July 30, 2019



Many thanks for making this available! I hope the rest will appear eventually.

Another recent work on Sakha is the handy small grammar in German by Angelika Landmann:

Jakutisch: Kurzgrammatik

Paperback: 147 pages
Publisher: Harrassowitz (August 23, 2016)
Language: German
ISBN-10: 9783447106672
ISBN-13: 978-3447106672
ASIN: 3447106670
Product Dimensions: 5 x 0.6 x 7.1 inches

It's part of a series of such sketch grammars for Turkic languages she's written, all of which are in the same format and available in the US from Amazon.

You can also find this older (1926) grammar by Nicholas Poppe online:

Uchebnaya Grammatika Yakutskogo Yazyka


Michael Mao

There is currently one grammar book published by Routledge: John Krueger's "Yakut Manual", and there are 3 Turkish-language sources that I have found: "Saha Türkçesi" (part of "Türk Lehçeleri Grameri"), "Saha (Yakut) Türkçesi Grameri", and a Yakut-Turkish Dictionary "Sahaca (Yakutça) - Türkçe Sözlük”.

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