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December 8, 2012



Why do you think Boris Grebenshikov is mediocre?


What an incredibly narcissistic analysis of Russia! Justin, Kirill, get a clue - the search for a NORMAL private life is exactly what the long-suffering Russian people have been seeking for the past 100 years or so. Yes, the boring bourgeois lifestyle that you so arrogantly decry. Enough with the revolutions! Enough with the grand projects that have cost the lives of millions! If you people want purity, radicalism, etc., go live in Venezuela.

I'm not claiming that Russia is in any sense an ideal state. But the late Yegor Gaidar said in an interview that he was heartened to see, in the late 1990s, thousands and thousands of motorists heading out of Moscow to their country cottages on a Friday night - the sign of just that normality that idiots like Limonov and Medvedev disparage. I, too, was genuinely touched to see St. Petersburg awash in giant supermarkets, flat screen TVs and all the other trappings of the consumerist society that we take for granted (and deride) in the West. It is a sign that Russia is becoming less of a freakshow. Can't you at least appreciate that?

As for Medvedev, he reminds me of what Czeslaw Milosz said of Chomsky in the 1960s - "the type of intellectual that weakened Weimar." That is, the type of intellectual that singles out Liberals while forgetting that the alternatives, in Weimar Germany, and in the Russia of 1996 and today, are far, far worse. In the process undermining the best, most decent political forces the society has to offer.

And one more thing, Justin. Please drop the whole "the 90s were a time of pure destruction" meme. Yes, it was an incredibly difficult time. But it was also a time of unbelievable creativity and the creation of a free TV and print media to rival that of any other Western democracy (and which has been destroyed since). It was a time that laid, in many ways, the groundwork for the relative (very relative) prosperity that Russia has been enjoying in the 2000s.

But, of course, people like you are not ultimately interested in the welfare of the Russians. Instead, you need Russia as an arena of sorts where various failed Third Way experiments can be played out. To all people like Medvedev, the assorted Trotskyists, Makhnovites, followers of Baron von Ungern-Sternberg, I say - No Pasaran!


What I have not understoood is the scope of the English book. There are poems listed in the review which are not included into the Russian edition of the "Vse plokho" (but could be found at his official website):

So, which articles and poems does that book contain?

Thanks in advance!

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